Thursday, January 31, 2013

Free Days-Traditions

Welp. Tuesday was basically a free day except for a housing meeting we had. We waited in line for about 20  minutes to get inside the building which was just at a clubhouse at one of the apartment complexes. I honestly thought I was going to melt into a puddle. It was so fetching hot. Once inside the air conditioning just hit me with a blast and it felt fantastic! The meeting could have been really boring but the two guys giving the information were hilarious so naturally I found it hilarious. My roommates have created a joke about threatening each other because apparently if you threaten someone you can get terminated. Which obviously makes sense, but one of the examples was of two guys, and one roommate blasts One Direction all day (no joke. Its like they knew I was in the crowd) and anyway the threat was the guy tweeting "man if my roommate is listening to One direction again I dont know what i'm going to do" That was a threat that could get them terminated. So now us roommates are always like "oh is that a threat?" yeah. We think we're funny.
Then Wednesday was a free day all day long. Nothing exciting happened except for some pool time. No big. That night though us roommates went to Olive Garden. It was a lot of fun and we had a rocking waiter. Like when one roommate asked if any of us had a boyfriend he was like "oh I need to know this" and just sat down on the floor. Haha it was hilarious. We also told him to keep the breadsticks coming and he didnt disapoint, even sent us home with a bunch. (We say its because he liked my roommate Alex though. Hahah)
Today was traditions!
This was mostly filled with videos and hearing over and over again the saying "Safe-D begins with me!" We then got to take a quick field trip to the Magic Kingdom. Gotta go backstage which was legit and get this..I was even a team leader. Go me! :) I got a cool mini-figure of goofy for doing so. Then..the boss came to gave us our name tags. Yes....MICKEY MOUSE! Oh my word can you believe it? Mickey Mouse himself. What a stud. But I officially have my name tag and i'm so excited because i've wanted one for years and I finally have one!! :) After Traditions was a welcome party type thing with free food so hey..count me in! There was a DJ as well and to me it reminded me of like a church dance. Haha I loved it but my roommates where like what in the world..this is dumb. And i'm like holla! This is the partying I like to do. Ah man. Also, got to get a picture with some fairy friends. I cant remember their names, a boy and two girls. Tinkerbell left for a minute so were like whatever. I know the mean fairy was there and she was my favorite, I found her rather hilarious. Anyway...thats all the excitement so far.
Oh wait..the other night we had a cockroach in our apartment. It was luckily in another room but it was freaky. My roommate ran upstairs to Frenando (I like his name.) and he killed it. It was pretty ugly though, but I cuoldnt stop laughing besides from screaming. What an adventure we are off to. I love my roommates though. We all have very different personalities but get along great. One is from California, one is from North  Carolina, two from Texas, one from New York then throw the Utahan in the mix and we have a cute Vista family!!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Checking In...

I'm all checked in which means basically no turning back now.
Dad and I landed in Florida yesterday afternoon and heard when we landed that Utah got hit with a huge snowstorm. Hahahahahahaha. Sucks for them. It was really weird though flying in and seeing all the people boating or going to walmart and seeing so many people in shorts and tank tops. I'm like excuse me, this is January. What is going on here? Anyway, so last night after checking in we drove around, ate some food cause we were starving considering being on a plane all day-believe it or not the little bag of 6 mini pretzels isnt really filling. Yeah, we didnt even get peanuts. What the heck. We then went to Walmart, which let me tell you something. A language I have no idea what it was, was being talked frequently and it was busier than the Orem Walmart. Which what? Thats possible? Weird. Really weird. But it was out of control. And considering it being a Sunday night I was like yup, definitely not in Utah anymore.
This mornig [Which came way too soon. Mornings Suck!] after checking out of the motel and eating breakfast, away we went to check in. They sent me one place and sent my dad another place to just sit around with other parents. Lucky him. Little signs with Disney characters lined the walk way to where I went and a nice lady gave me a little name tag. I kept forgetting I had it and kept thinking everyone was an incredible guesser when I would walk up and they would call me by name. Aca-awkward.
I met two girls in line and we decided to room together. We wanted Chatham but guess what. They were completely full. The nice man didnt have a single place for us. So we wanted Patterson. Nope, completely full as well. So we were like alright what about Commons (which is where most the international people stay-perfect way to get in with a hottie British babe) Nopppppppe. Full. So we got put into Vista Way which is the last place I wanted but whatever. We then got put on a bus and they took us to the Casting building where they did background checks and all that fun stuff.
Oh my word. I cant believe I have yet to mention the most exciting part. My new role. I will be doing the Magic Fantasyland!!! I am so excited!! Everyone else who checked in that I talked to who was also doing merchandise is in Downtown Disney. Which, i'm sure thats gonna be a blast, obviously, but i'm stoked to be in a park. And the new Fantasyland with that!
We are now done for the day. Tomorrow we have a housing meeting. Wednesday we have absolutely nothing. And Thursday is when it all starts with Traditions. I actually secretly wish I didnt have the free day Wednesday. I just want to get started. I know training is going to stress me out though trying to learn everything but whatever. So far all the workers are incredibly nice so thats helpful! :)
After unpacking the time came for my dad to leave. :( Surprisingly it was hard to see him go. I have no idea why. My roommate came into my room a little after he left and she was like "Oh your dad left? Are you okay?" Hahaha I started laughing I was like Uh yeah, i've been living on my own for over a year and a half.
The journey has officially begun. Lets do this.

In the car after I landed. So excited to be in warmth

My dad got a pin that said Proud Parent and he was wearing it around. Haha kills me
Checked in. 

Not related but I saw this at Walmart. Besides the fact its for a 7 year old and the pictures of the boys are 2 years old...The message is correct! :)

Saturday, January 26, 2013

A new fantastic point of view...

Well world, the rumors are true. Tomorrow I embark across the country to where the sun always shines [Unless its raining..or a hurricane is about to hit or something but that's besides the point] and snow is just a word.
My sister gave me the idea to do this blog dedicated to my Disney adventures. I will try to update it frequently with fun happenings, weird encounters, and probably proposal stories that happen from Prince Charming.....because that's going to happen, right?

So, first step in moving across the country is packing. Now hey, my last name is Packer so you would think I would rock at this kind of thing right? Wrong. Wrong on so many levels. Trying to decide what to take, and feeling like I need more than I can take is stressful. Also, trying to cram it all in suitcases, then have to weigh less than 50 pounds seems impossible, but somehow I did it. Barely. But I have no idea where I will store souvenirs because there is not an inch of space left. Oh brother. Oh well, I don't need to worry about that one for a while.

And with the bags packed, away I go to start this they say....Hang on to them hats and glasses, cause this heres the wildest ride in the wilderness.....or maybe that's just Thunder Railroad. I can't quite remember. :)