Monday, March 4, 2013

Monday Funday

As I said in my last post-this week I am deployed to Main Street East. Ugh. Lame and I hate it. Yesterday was my first day there and I mean fine whatever I guess its not that bad and stuff but I miss Fantasyland. Mainly because here I was thrown into an unknown environment and expected to work like I knew what is happening in that neck of the woods. I felt like an idiot anytime someone would ask me a question and I had to go ask someone else for help. Oh well..four more days.
Anyway this morning I went and played some Volleyball with the Mormon crew..aka members and the Missionaries. Apparently this is something they do every Monday and you best believe I will be attending from now on. This is because I had a blast. It was so much fun, I honestly dont think I have laughed that hard in months. At one point one of the Elders was like "Ah, Mormon humor. Never gets old." No but doesnt. And I love it. The missionaries are hands down the funniest. At one point I was instructed by the Elder on my team that from there on out we were only going to speak in accents. Then at one point the ball landed right in between the two of us and we just looked at each other pulling faces and someone was like "its like they are having a serious fight in their heads right now!" And one Elder is from Portugal and he missed the ball and they were like "Elder Laura, back to Portugal you go!" (His name isnt really Elder Laura but 3 out of the 4 girls on that teams name were Laura so they had to make it the Laura team)
Then at the end of our fun little session one kid was like "Whose down to go party?" And another girl in a totally straight face said "We cant do that" hahahaha I laughed so hard.
Oh man-Mormons seriously are like high on life like every single day. And i love it. So yeah-it's been a great Monday. Unfortunately I have to go to work now and i'm there until a quarter after 2 in the morning. Boooo. Disney doesn't realize Madison needs sleep.

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