Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Cast Member no more?

Nooooooo. I cant believe it! I am officially done working! I have one full day left in Florida! Where the heck has this year gone?
This past couple of days was a tad bit sad. Obviously. Sunday I worked until a quarter after 3 in the morning. THE MORNING! Ah. I work Magic Kingdom it's not out of the ordinary. The park was open until 2 for Extra Magic Hours and Danny and Bianca were the other two who stayed late with me (only one store in the zone I was in is open for EMH) We had a blast. Bianca was thugging up all these Disney songs then Danny would opera-fy them. I was dying. (clearly the park gets a little slow that late into the night.) Monday I closed and Tuesday i closed. Tuesday the parks hours got extended from 11 to 12 so us closing shift was force extended until 1:30. That was kinda annoying because I had to be back in exactly 8 hours to start my next shift. Tuesday was my last day in Zone 1 meaning the stores pixie dust! Hopping on the shuttle to go back to West clock the Adventureland glow peeps were on the shuttle. I saw Haley who funny story one day I was sitting with her on break and realized she goes to BYU-ever since then I've seen her at church and what not but anyway shes in Adventureland and she was like "Umm I heard you leave soon" and I was like "Yep tomorrow is my last day" and so we made plans on how we have to hang out when she goes back to school because shes working until August. Then once the shuttle pulled into West clock an Adventureland coordinator spotted me and she was in the back and I was about in the middle and suddenly I hear "MADISON!" and so i look around and as the doors open and people start piling out of the bus I spot her just waving away and I get all excited and wave and suddenly the back half of the shuttle decide to join in by calling my name and waving to me. I'm such a rockstar! Today was my last day and I was in my least favorite zone but it was fine. It was a rainy day so I got to spend my last day doing my ever so favorite poncho selling. *insert lots of sarcasm!*
I have hated saying goodbye to people though as the days go by. I've made such fantastic friends and I dont want to say goodbye!
Tomorrow i'm playing at the park all day and I have to say goodbye to my parade and Wishes. A tear may or may not get shed. :(
I'm so excited to get home and see my family and get out of this ghetto I have been living in. But so not ready to give up the Disney life and friends!! :(

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